How do we empower you and the community?

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller


Our team identifies
high impact projects

We assess different solutions with experts, trying to achieve the greatest impact with the least effort. For example, solar in a town dependent on coal has a greater impact than one dependent on natural gas.


You invest in the project

and own a piece of the solution!


You earn dividends

Based on your share of the project



Slide Here is a quick example... Slide right to navigate This is climate democracy in action. Slide A town in Alabama Relies on 100% coal power We work with the local government, community members, and non-profits to define, locate, and approve the right solutions. The region is well suited for solar as an initial project to offset daytime carbon emissions. For this example, a non-profit has allowed us to use their land and roof for a solar field. Slide Project Details Information you would find on our platform Assuming a purchase and installation, cost of $1.5 per watt of installed panels, the total cost of the project is $1 million. 60% of the project will be leveraged with a 30-year, 3.5% APR loan. This sets our crowdfunding target for this project at $400,000. This is where you get to own a piece of the project! We've been approved to install solar on 30,000 square feet. That's about 582 kilowatts (KW) or 73 homes with high efficiency solar panels. Slide Project Details Information you would find on our platform That's equivalent to... 358 Metric Tons of CO2 over 30 years each year 250K In Energy Savings 15,000 Trees per year Slide Expected Returns Market pricing Currently, the average price of electricity in the state is 11.5¢ per kWh. In order to encourage the adoption of solar energy, we would sell the electricity produced for 85% of market value to a local energy supplier or consumer. 9.8¢ Price per kWh
of sold electricity
8 Years To profit With these assumptions, you are expected to receive a 7% return on your initial investment every year.

If you invest $100, you would receive $7 in dividends each year. At this evaluation you would double your money in 14 years.
At this rate, the project will pay for itself in 7.7 years.

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